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1) Field Workers: The VCC has 26 field workers evangelising and church planting throughout Manipur and partially into Myanmar (Burma). When there is money to pay their wages it is given to them, however, when there is no money available, they go without relying on family members and churches. It is our aim to supply each worker $80Aus per month or $960 p.a. to sustain them in the field. In the long term, we seek to find ways at making them self sufficient through development loans.


2) Pastor Support: To support their families, many pastors by necessity work in the fields or other areas where possible. Providing pastoral support releases them to be more fruitful in extending the kingdom of God. Although our aim is to help them to be self supporting within their own ministry.


3) Supplying Bibles: Bibles are available in Manipuri and Vaphei languages and cost around $3.50 each to produce. See the donate page.


4) Church Planter Training. The plan is to provide a similar support to our field workers. See the donate page.


5) Short Term Mission Trips. Come join us and minister in any of your gifting.


6) Bible College Development: In its infancy can you help?

Above: Field workers Mai Bam, Kumthang plus someone.

Much salvation flowing in Mai Bam's Church.

Cumthang our paid worker.

Hindu women who made a decision to accept Jesus as Lord.

The majority of these people had disabilities. Can you see yourself praying for them? We have a great God!

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