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My last trip in Imphal was on 12/3/2014 - 30/3/2014



This trip was a fulfilment of nearly all my hearts desire. It has given me a hunger to see even greater revival take place. I've always wanted to see the Holy Spirit poured out in the denominational churches and this trip was an answer to prayer. It has been like a fire catching hold. I only ministered in a small number of denominational home fellowship groups, but the people who were baptised in the Holy Spirit have been sharing with their congregations the amazing works of God. Minthang has been receiving requests from the churches to preach about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and has been bombarded by them.


These are just some of the amazing things happening in Imphal from the time I left until now. They are Minthang's reports and I've only taken a small sample of the amazing things that have been happening. I haven't edited spelling or the ways he writes.



Please understand my passion is to see North East India won for Christ and I belief that God wants that done using the book of Acts as a blueprint for ministry. I realise these reports may offend some people and you need to understand it is not my intention to offend. People were offended at the ministry of Jesus. If I could avoid it I would, but people need to hear about the works of God and so I continue.


1) "Five Nepalese women were healed through prayer at Mantripukhri fellowship in a Baptist man’s house. They were so happy, and gave their living testimonies of their healing to many people in their neighborhood and to others as well. These testimonies had hit many people and now it became the talked of the town in that areas.  What amazing and wonderful God we serve my brother. This evening the 5th, April, I will be going there with Kamthang, Lalcha and our Moderator for a follow up program to them and we will also encourage them to always live for Christ. " (Minthang)


2) "Even while typing this email, I got a phone calls from several people, Baptist, Presbyterian and Evangelical asking questions about your (Teaching) the different between receiving and baptism in the Holy Spirit, this clearly told us that your teaching have impacting many people’s hearts." (Minthang)


3) "This morning three men came to my office and told me that they were healed at Punjabi women’s house fellowship. From now on they will be a very good and dedicated Christian as long as they breath and live in this world said the three men." (Minthang)


4) "The women who got healed at Punjabi house fellowship who came all the way from Laipham Khunou came to me this afternoon and told me that she was suffering from knee pain since three years and could not walked properly, only with the support of a staff or a clutch she could hardly walked. But after your prayer she felt some extra ordinary touched and feeling, that somebody grasp her knee very tightly, but it was not your hand she felt it very tight, from the inner knees. At that point she felt that God is answering your prayer for her healing and she felt very confident in God’s absolute mighty power. That was the reason on that particular night, she came to me and tried to give me some money out of her inner gratitude towards what God has done in her life for the first time through your prayer. But I declined that money and told her to give God all the glory and all what she can, not to us, as this is all from God." (Minthang)


5) "According to the women she kept telling me that, she went home that night even before you finished your prayers to other people, as she was full of joy and excitement and can’t wait to tell the rest of her family, what God has done to her through your prayer on that night. The women told me on her way back home, even inside the car she shed tears of joy for her healing. She is now a good example and a living testimony of God’s grace and healing power to the rest of her neighbors and communities. She not only received her physical healing but in addition to her physical healing she also got spiritual healing, and she told me that she is now baptized in the Holy spirit according to Colin’s preaching. She told me that she with her very limited knowledge told her friends that Baptism in the Holy Spirit is the integral part of Christianity and is the need of the hour, according to the Bible and Colin’s teaching. She keep telling the people whomever she met that baptism in the Holy Spirit is very basic fundamental of the Christian faith and belief. According to the women she also practicing in praying for the sick. She and the whole family is now a very happy family and faithful for God. She came with two men and a young lady to tell me about this wonderful testimony. She also asked me about you and wanted to know when Colin is coming back. She told me to give her best regards and appreciation towards your humble yet powerful ministry in Manipur." (Minthang)


6) "The other women from a Baptist Church prayed for her friend and she got healed, she thank God and Colin. Because she said unless Colin taught us all this important Christian roles, we would never be doing any thing, but after Colin has inspired and encouraged us we can go boldly with the power of God. She said now she and her whole family is a very happy Christian after Colin visit their church, as she know how to approached God now." (Minthang)


7) "My time with the Presbyterian church was so meaningful. It was such a great time we had. They asked me hundreds of questions about you and the mode of your teaching and the Biblical doctrines. They told me that the people attended the church on Sunday who listened to my preaching was about 200, but in my approximate calculation I think they were about 170 to 180 people but I don’t even know the exact number, however it was quite good and sizeable numbers of people. After my preaching there was an open discussion of the doctrine in the church, none of the people left the church. They asked me hundreds of question about you and your teaching, which they heard from many people who boldly shared their living testimonies through your preaching and prayers. They even asked me about the different between Receiving and baptism in the Holy Spirit. I explained it to them with a strong biblical support.  There was a great and hot discussion and arguments amongst themselves, as many of the members believed what we taught, as they proved it from the Bible. I told them it is not Colin nor Minthang Suantak that told you but it is the Bible. Many people were so influenced about what we said. (Minthang)


8) "On Sunday the 13th,April, I went to one of the big Church that belongs to Evangelical doctrine, as I got the invitation to preached. I took Hegin’s whole congregation to the place where I was preaching, because I want them to see what is happening. Immediately on our arrival there was a man who came to meet me, the person who was not known to me, but he knew me very well. He straight away asked me if I can preached the doctrine which Colin had preached, I said I will try. He persisted me to preach the same doctrine which Colin was preaching again I said I will do my best. Than another man came to me saying the same topic which the first man told me, than the third person came and told me the same again another group of people, almost every one was asking me to preached on the same topic and doctrine which Colin preached. I said I will do my best. Colin, that time I wish if you were with me, you would be so touched and happy my brother.


According to what they want, I did the preaching and taught them the different between receiving and baptism in the Holy Spirit. They were so touched, and at the end of the preaching many were slain in the Spirit and I was given the time even to prayed for the sick. I prayed for several sick people, and God our Father performed His miracles and several people got their physical healing, this is to added another spiritual ingredients to them. It was so wonderful service we had, I thought it could not be better than that. I was so happy and the people were overwhelming by their new spiritual experiences. They thank God and thank Colin for the wonderful input in the ministry.


Since, I was without a car, transportation was one of the biggest challenges for me after all this successful ministry. As I took public transportation (bus) when I got there, by the time we finished the service it was late at night, and I did not get any means of transportation back to my home. But by God’s grace and love, there was a good and faithful brother who offered me a free drop back to my home in that late night. He took some one from the same church whom he will accompany, so the three of them drop me to my home in his car and back on the same night.


On the 15th, Tuesday, I was again invited to preached at Wangbal which is in the East District of Manipur. It is very far and isolated area and a strong hold of Hindu. Again here in Wangbal I preached the different between receiving and baptism in the Holy Spirit. Before that I preached the sin of all mankind and the free gift of Salvation offered to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. As a result of my preaching about 37 people newly received Jesus Christ as their Lord. I also prayed for several sick people and, God performed His miracles and about 3 people got instant healing from their sickness. On this day again about 59 people were slain in the Spirit and were baptized in the Holy Spirit. Again here at Wangbal on the 15th, April, we made another disciples for Christ. Mr, Khaiboi and Kamthang did went to Nongpok Sekmai on this same day for preaching, we all took a public transportation.


But, again after all this successful ministry, I had another big transportation problem as we don’t have our own car. Since no one from Wangbal church members have a car, I had a real big problem for my returned home. I was on the road side waiting for bus for about two and half hours in the hot sunny. After melted in the hot sun for about two and half hours, waiting for any vehicles for my return journey, I got a three wheeler Auto Rickshaw which took me to Imphal. But Mr, Kamthang and Khaiboi halt the night in Sekmai since there did not get any transportation for their returned journey.


On the 18th, Good Friday, I was invited to preached in Sagolband Baptist Church. We had many people attend the service, even we had a group of Non-Christian who came for hearing the preaching on that day. So my first preaching was the universal sin of all mankind and the need of a redeemer. Since there was a group of Non-Christian, I kept going on preaching the great sacrificed which Christ did on the Cross of Calvary 2000 years ago. Paying of all our sins and the forgiveness of our sin through the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the free gift of Salvation offered to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. After my preaching I did an alter called in which about 12 people came up to the stage and received Jesus Christ as their Lord. Than again the rest of all the church members asked me to preached the different between receiving and baptism in the Holy Spiirt, which I did. At the end of the day many people were again slain in the Spirit and many were baptized in the Holy Spirit. I also did prayed for the sick people, and God did perform miracles and 8 people were instantly healed on the spot. Praise God for all these miracles which He performed for His children.


Again on the 20th, April, Easter Sunday, I preached at our Church here at VCC Diplomat centre and did sacrament service as well. Than in the afternoon I went to Phailengjang area as they invited me for preaching. Which I went and did in two different village, one on the Easter Sunday night and one on Monday. There again many people newly received Jesus Christ as their Lord and many were baptized in the Holy Spirit. Here again we were making a true and faithful disciples of Christ. Many have seen the great and marvelous miracles of God when hundreds of people were slain and baptized in the Holy Spirit." (Minthang)


9) 2nd May, 2014


"Greetings from your family and church members here in Imphal, Manipur. It is with joy I am writing this report to you. Thanks for the funds you had transferred to us for saving of souls.


Yesterday I went to Saitol as I was invited to preached in a large Presbyterian church. It was so wonderful and amazing the way how I was invited to preached there.


There was a man who came and listened to your preaching at Thingkangphai ECA church on the 14th April, 2012. Where a women vegetable vendor got healing through your prayer and that she went and exercise her faith to others, I think you understand it very well. Now this man who listened to your preaching on that 14th of April, 2012, was very much keen and so touched by your preaching particularly the baptism in the Holy Spirit but was a bit confused as there is no one whom he can approached and be confirmed about the doctrine. This man had moved (Shifted) to Saitol village with all his family at the end of the year 2012 for a better economic and self employment to feed his family. This man is very serious about doctrine and so religious and spiritual minded person. He strongly believed your preaching on the Holy Spirit, but lots of confusion within himself, as he is brought up in a strong Evangelical background since from childhood. Now as he learnt from you, he did his best in teaching about the doctrines of the Holy Spirit to others people but not so influence, as his knowledge about the Holy Spirit seems to be so new and little. Therefore did not have much impact to other people on his teaching and preaching.


The man’s name is Khuplian, at Saitol village he join the Presbyterian church and is now a member of Presbyterian church as there is no Evangelical church very close to where he live now. Therefore, in the Presbyterian church he always speak about the Holy Spirit trying to make people understand about the different between receiving and baptism in the Holy Spirit, however as I said since his knowledge was so limited as he heard your preaching only once, but was so strong in believing what you preached. For him it was heard to fully explained for people to understand, as you know what Presbyterian church members would be in the things of the Holy Spirit. But he kept telling people about the miracles of God and the need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. According to the people he even told them that unless you were baptized in the Holy Spirit you would not seen God’s miracles and he keep telling them that, “WE NEED TO MAKE DISCIPLES FOR CHRIST AND NOT JUST A CONVERT”. But his friend and church members could not understand the meaning of his preaching. Therefore, there was always confusion and strong argument amongst the church members as he could not fully taught them.


Again this year, through someone he came to know that Colin Lambert is visiting the churches in Manipur. He was trying his best to contact us, however due to bad communication in Manipur and he being lived in a very remote area, plus having money problem to come to us, he could not meet us on time. One fine day when he came to Moirang bazaar, he met someone whom he knew very well and the man who knows me well, the two of them talked about me (Minthang Suantak) and Colin Lambert and the type of our ministry, Mr, Khuplian than asked the man if he knows my contact number the man said oh Yes sure I know Minthang’s contact number and I can give him. So he took my phone number and after he arrived home he rang me up. The first thing he asked me on the phone was, Is Colin still there at VCC Diplomat center? I said no, he left, and he asked me when is he coming back to Manipur, I said I don’t know, he will come back in God’s timing. He asked me about the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, which you had taught.  I told him all what he asked me on the phone. We spoke on the phone nearly an hour, than at the end of our telephonic conversation he request me, if I can come to his church on the 1st May, I said I will try. Than he kept asking me about your teaching about the receiving and baptism in the Holy Spirit and the powerful prayers that follows God’s great miracles. I explained through phones all what I can about your teaching. He than repeatedly request me if I can preach in their church on the 1st May.


I said I will try, because since I don’t have a car and his place is so remote and I don’t have money to hire a car, therefore I could not immediately give him a positive response. But this man is so persistent as he knew the need is so great in his church. Therefore, the next day he called me again through phone, request me that it is so important that I should go and preached in his church as the members were confusing about the things of the Holy Spirit as he already started preaching about this a year ago and could not possibly influence, due to the lack of his spiritual knowledge, by saying this, please don’t mis-understand I don’t mean to say I am more spiritual than him, but I am talking about his knowledge about the things of the Holy spirit, since he was brought up in a strong Evangelical background. But even this time when he repeatedly request me to come to his church, I can’t give him assurance that I will surely come, but still telling him that I will try. Because he don’t know my problem, that I don’t have a car and money to hire a car. I told him I will pray and seek God’s approval. But he kept saying that he will arranged the meeting, and I should be there at any means. Than our conversation stop, than I started praying with my families, asking God to provide funds to able to hire a car or an Auto-Rickshaw whichever is cheaper to go there. That was the reason I told you to send me funds if you can. Than you transferred the funds on the 1st, May, the day on which they fixed the date to preached in their church. I was so happy than I rang them and told them that I will surely be there at 3 P.M. in the afternoon.


I hired an Auto-Rickshaw and was there on time at 3 P.M. in the afternoon, to my great surprised, I got the people more than what I was expected. It was about 300 people, waiting eagerly for my arrival. Just before I preached, we were talking about different things, the most and frequent questions they asked me was, where is Colin now and when is Colin coming back to Manipur? We want to see Colin, and we can’t wait the time to meet Colin. It is Colin, who told all this great and spiritual nourishment to us. Through Colin’s preaching we were all amazed and some people got seriously confused spiritually, because his teaching have much spiritual impact to the lives of thousands of people. Therefore, today we invited you to talked and clearly taught us the doctrine of the Holy Spirit according to Colin’s teaching. I told them that, I am not Colin, but I will try my best. Many people told me that, I must clearly follow what Colin taught and I should carry on what Colin was teaching the people in regards to the receiving and baptism in the Holy Spirit. I said I will do my best.


I started preaching exactly at 3,30 P.M. all the 300 people just stormed inside the church and when I start preaching it was a pin drop silent, they seriously and keenly listening to all my preaching, not a single word was fallen on the ground or blowing away by the win. They just did their best to grasp all what I taught them.


From 3,30 P.M. to 5,30 P.M. was first session, and I could talked to them the doctrines of the Holy Spirit, they were so interested. They did asked me many many questions. I was so tired to answers all their hard questions. But I got through it by the grace of God and through His divine intervention. They did not leave any stone unturned in asking questions after questions, in regards to the work of the Holy Spirit in believers life. They did ask me many things regarding different denominations in our Christian society. It was a big struggled trying to answer all their hard questions. But just imagine, they were so serious and curiosity to know about the doctrine and working of the Holy Spirit in the lives of today’s believers.  By God’s grace I was able to give them appropriate answers may not be all their questions, but at least majority of their problem was solved. Yes I know I am not a perfect, but I did my best with God’s help. First session was mainly asking questions and answers and with many arguments, as they were so hungry with the words of God.


The second session started at 6, P.M. after 30, minutes of having tea break and a bit of relaxation. Exactly at 6, P.M. we start our second session, and goes on till 7 P.M. second session was going really smooth without much arguments and questions. During second session, I was freely preaching and teaching to them without much of harassment by asking questions and without any arguments. My preaching had a spiritual flow. They were all spiritually awakened, shouting Halleluija. Their spiritual eyes were open up to see spiritual things. Than we had a few minutes of worshiping God in spirit, singing spiritual songs, and when I prayed for everyone of them to be anointed by the Holy Spirit.


Than the Spirit of God was moving in every individual lives, and to my great surprised there was a great spiritual revival, and about 150 people were immediately slain in the Spirit and everyone started talking in unknown tongues. The whole church room was filled with spiritual atmosphere, speaking in unknown tongues, and shouting halleluija and praising God filled the whole church building. It was like strong rushing sounds of storms and thunder. People were crying so loud, and tears of joy were flowing from every eyes. That happened even before I finished my prayer. I said wow, what a wonderful spiritual experience, revival just began, and the power of satan was tore apart. 


Colin, I was so happy to see spiritual revival began in the Presbyterian church. You know what I was thinking at that very moment? I thought if my brother Colin see this things he will wave his hands and be so happy to see this, and he will jump shouting with joy." (Minthang)


10) 5th May, 2014


"Hi Colin.


Greetings from your family and church members here in Imphal, Manipur. It is now 5,20,P.M. in the afternoon, we just concluded our staff and workers meeting here in our Head Office.


As every 5th, of the month we have a workers, staffs prayer meeting, on this day we also shared our ministry, each and everyone of our workers do give their ministry report. We also set a quality time to pray on this 5th, of every month, when all our workers and staffs came for this meeting. We had this since from the inception of our ministry and continue till today. On this day we do particularly prayed for you, your family and ministry.




I got frequent telephone calls from several people from Saitol, telling me that many more people were baptized in the Holy Spirit even few days after I preached and left the village.Even some sick people got healed through the prayers of those who were slain in the Holy Spirit and being baptized in the Holy Spirit. As I told them to do this, they did follow what I told them.  Now the Presbyterian church became a spirit filled church, a new and spiritually reform church. One of the church members by the name Mr, Tongpu said, since the day you preached at our church, we now don’t follow the dogma of the Presbyterian church laws, but follow the biblical principles. Several people on the phone told me that, we are so happy that you came and trained and equipped us to be a real transformer for God and to ignite the light of the gospel to other people. Now we are not just an ordinary or nominal Christian as we were before, but now you make us to be spiritual and true disciples of Christ said the members of the church on the phone.  Since from the 1st,May the day on which I preached, till today they have confirmed 15 people got healed by God through the prayers of all those who were baptized in the Holy Spirit. Many more were slain in the spirit and being baptized in the Holy Spirit. They told us that they will confirmed the numbers of those who were baptized in the Holy Spirit by next week. Each day all those that being baptized in the Holy Spirit goes out to other people, preaching, teaching and making a disciple for Christ, they were so happy to do this." (Minthang)


Unfortunately I've run out of space for this page and so I will he reports on another page refer to drop down box.

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