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This mission report is written acknowledging that God deserves all the praise and all the glory for the great things He has done. For His is all the power and the glory and we are but instruments in His hands. I am completely overwhelmed by the relentless pursuit of our God to bless His people. I have seen the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in amazing ways that my heart has yearned for even as a young Christian. In some ways I feel a bit like Simeon when He saw the baby Jesus. I have always believed that I would see the prophecy of Joel poured out and now that I am older my heart is filled, yet I have a passion to see more and more. I say again that I am but dust and to God be all the praise and the glory for the great things He has done.

My report is only a small portion of what took place and much more could be written.


There are so many people to thank for their generous assistance. In particular I would like to thank the Discover Church and the Church of the Yarra Ranges for their continued prayer covering over the six weeks. Over the last three years, I have seen a significant increase in anointing and outpouring of the Holy Spirit every time as a result of the prayer support of the body of Christ. Then there are very generous people and churches providing funds for the ministry without which, none of this report could be written. Truly it can be said “as for the saints who are on the earth, they are the excellent ones in whom is all my delight.” Psalm 16:3


I only spent 15 days in Imphal from 11/10/17 – 26/10/17. Manipur is my base and my heart will always be there despite a calling to other places.

Our ministry in Manipur over the last eight months has been considerably restricted due to the fact that we no longer have a four wheel drive vehicle. To reach the outlying areas such a vehicle is necessary. We had to rely on the vehicles of friends which makes ministry very difficult. We are seeking Jehovah Jireh for the provision of a vehicle.

Ten students are currently studying at the Bible College. All of them accept one encountered the presence of God and were slain in the Holy Spirit. A few of them have started praying in tongues. I taught on the foundational subjects of Salvation; The Resurrection; The Baptism in the Holy Spirit; Faith; and The Authority of the Believer.

Our team visited Thanga Karang Island located approximately two hours from Imphal the capital city of Manipur. Our good friend Manigun allowed us to use his vehicle. We visited the only Christian family on the Island and another Hindu family attended the meeting. The teenage girl from the Hindu family was instantly slain in the Holy Spirit and healed from a gastric complaint. When she woke up after the prayer she had an amazed look on her face at her first encounter with the living God. The family also made a commitment to Christ.

We then visited a home fellowship on the mainland on the edge of the lake. There were about 40 adults and as many children present and so the meeting was held outside. This was the first time I used my puppet “Rocky the Racoon,” which the children really loved. I then went on to preach about the resurrection and signs and wonders were seen with several people slain in the Holy Spirit. One young boy of about eight was instantly slain in the Holy Spirit. He was propped up by a down rail of the porch. I could see his eyes fluttering during his encounter. He said that “I saw Colin speaking to an angel. They were both in white robes and talking to each other and I didn’t want to open my eyes because I didn’t want what I saw to go away.” I then prayed for the young boy’s father who had a blocked bowl and piles. He called Minthang the next day to say that he had been totally healed and what his son had seen in the vision.

A second visit to the Island was planned to visit other families, however my wife’s uncle had passed away and I decided to fly to Mumbai in case the family thought it necessary for me to attend the funeral. After some discussion it was decided that I should continue my work in Mumbai.

One afternoon Manigun, Minthang and I did an outreach in a Muslim area. We went to a tea house and Manigun shared the gospel with the lady owner. While he did a Christian woman came to purchase some goods and I started talking with her. She was formerly a Hindu but had married a Christian man and I asked her about her beliefs and explained to her more fully the way of salvation. She then asked me to pray for a chronic back injury that she had. When I prayed for her she was instantly slain in the Holy Spirit and was propped up against one of the porch posts. When she woke up she was extremely happy telling all present that her back was totally healed. The Muslim owner was extremely interested in her testimony. As it was late we then walked about 1 km back to the car which had been parked at a Christian friends place outside the Muslim area. The next day we learnt that the Christian woman went back to her village and told them what had happened and she and about 20 other people came looking for us to be prayed for where we had parked our car. Unfortunately we had already left. Once again we would have returned if we had a ministry car.

On the two Sundays I had in Manipur, I preached in Manigun’s church. Manigun was the first Muslim convert in Manipur. About 30 people attended and most were slain in the Holy Spirit.


I was very excited at the prospect of our first harvest. However, I am very disappointed to report that things didn’t go to plan with our fish pond. I was expecting to generate approximately $25,000 from fish sales. Unfortunately, the Hindu expert deceived us with the preparation of the pond. He didn’t advise us concerning the base of the pond. We were supposed to plough fertilizer into the bottom to break up the base and also to provide a source of food for the fish. The fish also breed in the soft soil. Consequently our fish didn’t grow to a significant size to harvest. Minthang overheard one man assisting our expert say “how could you do this to these people?”

Minthang should have completed the necessary research and been aware of what was needed. Progress is now being made to rectify the situation with the required resources. We still have approximately the same amount of fish as was first put in the pond, however, the next main harvest has been put off for another two years as a result. My philosophy of ministry is to allow the partner full control over the development of infrastructure and I warned him at the time that he needed to make it work. I am now taking responsibility for the project moving forward.

I took with me two large portable swimming pools and an electric air pump. A number of churches have used them for baptisms and generate 2,000 rupees rent each time for our ministry.


I spent 26 days of ministry time from 26/10/17-21/11/17.

I preached or spoke at 56 churches and home fellowships mainly in the slums of Mumbai.

This was my third mission trip to Mumbai. On the first trip I went with another team member Noel Donohue and we prayed for our lady Telegu interpreter who had been married a number of years and had not fallen pregnant. On the second trip in October 2016, I had a word of knowledge from the Lord that she would be pregnant by the time I returned on the next trip. Praise God that she and her husband are extremely excited as she is now six months pregnant as you can see in the photo attached!

Another church member had also been married for a long time and was yet to fall pregnant. Pastor Sundar took me to their home and this would now be the third time that I had prayed for her. This time I asked them if they could give me a report as to why she had not fallen pregnant. I read the specialists report which said that her fallopian tubes were stuck on her ovaries and that her uterus was smaller than normal. I prayed for her and she was instantly slain in the Holy Spirit however as I was praying for her in the specific areas of healing, she started to clasp her stomach as the Lord repaired her reproductive system. Both the woman and her husband were very excited at what the Lord had done and are looking forward to the news of the conception of a child.

I visited the suburb called Thane (TharnA) to the home of a pastor who has three sons and a daughter. We ate a quick meal and then they asked me to pray for them. All the children of university age were instantly slain in the Holy Spirit after I anointed them with oil. One of the boys John interpreted for me on many occasions and I prophesy that this family will have a major impact on reaching their community and nation. John has started praying in tongues. After I prayed for them the Pastor asked me to pray for a number of his church members who lived close by. As people were healed and slain in the Holy Spirit people would go out and invite their friends and what I expected to be a short time praying for a family would extend to one or two hours as others came for prayer. This happened on many occasions after visiting home fellowships and individual families. Even the Hindu neighbours would come, were healed and even slain in the Holy Spirit.

I preached in a church about Christ our surety but the children didn’t have the opportunity to hear me preach and were in Sunday school upstairs. All the children were all instantly slain in the Holy Spirit without any preaching and received from our God as simply as new wine skins of the Lord. They were within the ages of 6 – 12. Finally I prayed for the teacher and she too was slain in the Holy Spirit. The prophecy of Joel 2:28-32 and as spoken by Peter on the day of Pentecost continues today unabated. The children received so easily and I was staggered at the number of them who received the Holy Spirit and encountered His presence.

I spoke for about ten minutes at a large Pastors Conference. There would have been about 200 pastors and their wives present perhaps more. It was a very large church that was being refurbished which had a large auditorium that could seat over 2,000 people at my estimate. Three other Pastors preached the word of God. But at the end I was invited to pray for the Pastors. It was rather an impromptu thing. A chair was brought forward and Sundar invited some of them forward for prayer. The Holy Spirit began to fall upon those being prayed for and I ended up praying for most of the people. I was amazed at the number of people healed and the way that God did it. Once again simply anointing with oil in the name of Jesus and people were seen holding the area of their illness as God healed them. I often didn’t even know what the sickness was. The church workers came out to see what was going on and they also wanted to be prayed for and encountered the presence of God the Holy Spirit. I think that they went and told the senior pastor about the outpouring. I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to say thank you to the Senior Pastor for the use of the church building. He then invited me to come and preach on the Sunday night later in the week and to also work amongst the children on the same day.

They hold a regular monthly event with children from the community and I’d say about 500 children and teenagers were present perhaps more. I played some action games with the teenagers of River Bank; Simon Says and Fox and the Rabbit. They hadn’t played these simple games before but thoroughly enjoyed it. There were about 30 teenagers when we started with some of the parents watching but by the end we had a large crowd observing the fun and the games. The senior pastor had also come out to see my interaction with the teenagers.

I used Rocky for the smaller children although all the children and teenagers watched along with the parents. Rocky the puppet Racoon told the story about Shep the Sheepdog that ate all my daughters Easter Eggs (it had a Christian moral component to it). I then did a high five running Rocky around the children’s raised hands. As I started to go back to the puppet enclosure I was mobbed by the children who shouted out Rocky Rocky and wanted to pat him. Fortunately, I got back alive.

After this time and a short break, people from the community started to arrive and the auditorium filled quickly. I estimate about 1,200 adults were in attendance perhaps even more as some have said. Every month the church has a healing and deliverance meeting on a Sunday night. I didn’t know this and the pastor asked me to preach about healing and deliverance. He was very insistent saying this three times also saying that the people have come for healing and deliverance. I said trust me and I will do it. I was told that the majority of the people weren’t Christians so this church must be well recognised by the community in this area of ministry.

After about half an hour of praise and worship I was asked to preach. This was the largest number of people I’d preached to in my life however I was very calm and confident in my God. I said “today you have come for healing and deliverance and I know that this will happen because I am preaching on faith and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The name of Jesus Christ is as ointment poured forth and people are already being healed from cancers, back problems and aids by the power of the Holy Spirit.” I then went to the front of the stage and to the left and I said “Holy Spirit I pray that you meet with your people now and fill them.” I continued to say this as I moved from left to right across the stage and pockets of people were thrown backwards in their seats as they were slain in the Holy Spirit. It was rather amazing to see from the stage. Then I said “I know that we will see signs and wonders today because the Father God is always willing to affirm the truth of the resurrection of His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.

At the end of my sermon I told the people that I was willing to pray for every person that wanted prayer and then the people started to flock to the two sides of the stage and at the front. I asked the Pastor for other people to pray with me, but for whatever reason that didn’t happen. He told me to pray for the people from the centre and front of the stage. It was very difficult as he brought me a seat to sit on and I had to lean down to lay hands on the people. I can only give you a summary of some of the key things that happened.

I prayed for the people from about 8:15pm - 11:30pm. Fortunately most people were immediately slain in the Holy Spirit which meant that I could move onto the next person. The young man John that I mentioned earlier was with me holding the anointing oil bottle and rag to dry my hand. As I was praying for people the next person would give him their prayer request if he could understand their language.

A young woman had been dropped on her head as a baby and had constant headaches all her life. She was married and had one young child. When I anointed her with oil and started to pray for her almost immediately she started holding her head and was bent over. I couldn’t continue to pray for because she had backed away from the stage. They moved her to the left and I continued to pray for other people, but I noticed that she had stopped holding her head and that she had a big smile on her face. I asked her if all her pain had gone and that Jesus has healed her and she said yes. Jesus had performed some operation on her and she was totally healed. This sort of thing happened many times as I saw people holding the part of their body where the illness was as Jesus healed them. Often I didn’t even know what to pray for due to the many languages of India. John only knew a few. The Holy Spirit knows and that is the main thing.

One woman brought me a photo of her husband and said he was an alcoholic and asked me to pray for him. As soon as the picture hit my hand the woman started to manifest demons and she was thrown back into a chair. I didn’t pray or do anything but she was totally delivered from the demons according to my perception.

With the clearly Hindu women, I didn’t lay my hands upon them but would anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and start praying for them in tongues. Usually they were slain in the Holy Spirit straight away. Sometimes they would manifest a demon and I would cast it out in Jesus name and then they would be slain in the Holy Spirit according to my perception. The way I have done things might cut across the principles of others deliverance methodology but the Holy Spirit really didn’t seem to mind.

As I looked up there were still about 100 people to pray for and it was getting late so I asked all people who lived a long way away to come forward and I will say a blanket prayer for you all and you can leave. Only one person came forward with his wife and child. All the rest wanted to be prayed for individually.

I estimate that I prayed for as many as 300 people in 3 ½ hours. I realise it sounds a lot but the Holy Spirit was doing a very quick work with most people to the praise of His glory. I was absolutely exhausted when it finished. I concluded by praying for the husband and wife who helped me at the bottom of the stage and the senior pastor of the church.

It was very encouraging that the Pastor of the church gave me a significant speaker donation showing his appreciation for the ministry undertaken. I should add that a number of other churches did the same. All these offerings I gave to Pastor Sundar.


This was a fascinating time of ministry and could quite possibly offend and conflict with the theology of many. I wonder where you stand after reading this.

Sundar has a friend that has been ministering to the prostitutes and their children in a red light district. Sundar asked if I would like to do a program for the children and their mothers and I jumped at the opportunity.

We parked outside the area in a street which looked just like any other in Mumbai with shops all packed in reasonably close together. At the top of the street we came to a courtyard where approximately 20 prostitutes had assembled to apply their trade. We walked down a narrow pathway to the pastor’s single room church where we were greeted by about 15 children belonging to the prostitutes. The first thing that happened was that the boys all flocked us and hugged us as the girls stood back. They have no male role model to love them and craved the attention of men, whereas the girls were asking the question can these men be trusted? At least this was my perception of what it was like.

It was really difficult ministry to run my children’s program. The ages of the children ranged from about 6 – 12 years old. There was one little boy who couldn’t sit still and was always interrupting and causing difficulty with the other children. However, when I used the puppet “Rocky the Racoon” he was able to settle a little better. I used Rocky to tell the story about the wise man who built his house upon the rock and the foolish man who built his house upon the sand. I built a house out of playing cards and turned on a fan to collapse it in demonstration of the house on the sand and I pulled out another one that had been taped with clear sticky tape. I placed that house on a rock and put the fan on it and it didn’t collapse_ a visual presentation of the parable. The children loved it. I also played some simple games with the older children_ the younger ones looking on.

After about an hour the mothers of the children came to hear the gospel and I completed a visual presentation for them also. There would have been about 12 women present and most of the children also stayed. We said a prayer with those willing to accept Christ as Saviour and Lord and then I prayed for the women. Most of the women encountered the presence of God and were slain in the Holy Spirit. In this instance I never asked them if they were sick and yet a number of the women prayed for said that they had been instantly healed. Even some of the Hindu women that hadn’t made any commitment still wanted to be prayed for and were slain in the Holy Spirit. Is that a test for the theology of some? When the women were healed they went out and told others what had happened and more prostitutes and their children came for prayer. Many of the children were also slain in the Holy Spirit.

Then there is the women themselves. They still go back to prostitution as they have no other way at the moment of earning an income for themselves and their children. The alternative is no roof over their head and no way to feed their children. Unless we can provide some other form of income to remove them from their situation there will be no change. Do you think that those who have made a commitment to Christ (and quite a number have), are saved and can yet remain in prostitution? I am currently seeking funding for projects that will bring them out of prostitution. The pastor said that he once invited some other pastors to pray at his church but didn’t tell them where it was. When they found out they reprimanded him saying how dare he bring them to a place like this and they refused to pray in his church. It seems there are still many modern day Pharisees.

After the program we were invited to have lunch at the house of a former “Madame” who had become a Christian under the Pastor’s ministry. This older woman once had 15 women working under her at an earlier time in her life. I prayed for her before I left and she too was slain in the Holy Spirit. However, to reach her house for lunch we walked along a thin narrow street along which were several prostitutes waiting outside on chairs for their customers. As we walked back to our car, a man deliberately pushed his shoulder into mine as he tried to deny me passage. It wasn’t the smartest of things for him to do as I probably weighed 30 or so more kilos than him. I don’t think he was impressed that I had gone into that area. The next day was a Sunday and the Holy Spirit very clearly impressed upon me to preach about my experiences in the Red light district and about Mary Magdalene.

As you will read later, this red light district will be the first area in which we will establish a kid’s club using the resources that I took with me on this trip. I’d like to thank my close friend for the provision of the funds to establish the first club.

We don’t actually read about how Jesus met Mary Magdalene. We know that He cast out several demons from her and that she was extremely grateful anointing his feet with expensive perfume and washing His feet with her tears and drying them with her hair, assuming that it was this Mary which is a very popular name back then. Having seven demons suggests that she probably wasn’t a model citizen. The anointing of the feet of Jesus could have been a number of times. To confuse the matter, Jesus went to Simon the leper’s house and in another instance Jesus visited the house of Simon the Pharisee. The Pharisees weren’t impressed as perhaps some of the modern day ones aren’t impressed with me. Clearly, Jesus could have gone to a red light district and met Mary there as He preached. Jesus had the habit of going to places that Pharisees wouldn’t frequent_ such as to the home of tax collectors and sinners for lunch. The lineage of Jesus even lists Rahab the harlot as one of his ancestors according to the flesh. Not to mention King David the adulterer, murderer and yet a man after God’s own heart. We also read that Mary Magdalene (perhaps the harlot) was the first Apostle sent by Jesus to affirm the truth of His resurrection to His other disciples. I felt very comfortable preaching about these things the next day in three of the four churches.

I preached in Pastor Sundar’s church first and you could hear a pin drop as I preached. I prayed for a few people before I had to leave and the Holy Spirit encountered them all. In particular quite an old man who was under the presence of the Holy Spirit for quite a long time. I wonder what God was doing with the man?

Next I went to a church held in a reasonably large primary school room and about 120 adults and about 60 children were present and Rocky made yet another appearance before I preached. The pastor of the church had a massive baritone voice and was an excellent singer and the praise and worship was extremely good. This was Rocky’s last appearance and I was rather glad as truly he received much more applause than any of my preaching. He had made perhaps 20 appearances in the churches and home fellowships. All the children gathered at the front and sat down as they heard about the rebuke Jesus gave His disciples when they forbade the little children to come to Him. Rocky also gave a number of the children a hug (and a tickle) and all of them a high five as they sat down.

Once again you could hear a pin drop as I preached about Mary Magdalene and the resurrection of Christ. At the conclusion of my sermon I was asked to pray for the people.

When the invitation was made there was a stampede as people came forward and had to be held back and told not to push. As is my custom, I asked for two chairs with a back on them and two plastic ones were used. This trip I always anointed those coming forward for prayer with oil saying “I anoint you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.” At this point most of the people would be slain in the Holy Spirit and some would start speaking in tongues. This is what happened to the first person, but the second person after being slain started to jerk backwards and forwards in the seat. I believe she was being set free from demons but I just left her and she stopped after a while. People wanted her to get up so that they could be prayed for but I told them to leave her alone to allow God the Holy Spirit to minister to her. No attention was drawn to what was happening and God delivered the woman without any word from me. This is truly a good way to conduct deliverance ministry. All the people I prayed for were slain in the Holy Spirit and many testified that they had been healed. Pastor Sundar’s son Noel told me it was time to leave and I’d only prayed for about half of the people. He gave me another ten minutes and still many people hadn’t been prayed for. I told everyone to sit down that hadn’t been prayed for and placed my hand upon their head not stopping to pray for them simply praying in tongues quickly placing my hand on their heads and all of them were instantly slain in the Holy Spirit in their seats. One woman gently leant on her neighbour who had also been slain in the Holy Spirit. I will never forget it. All this took place after preaching about Mary Magdalene the harlot. It seems Jesus loves these poor prostitutes who are beautiful people forced to live in a perverse world.

Then we went outside the class room and even as I was trying to put on my shoes to leave, new people came to be prayed for from I have no idea from where. I suspect some of the church members had gone out and spoken about what was going on and people came as a result. People were now slain in the Holy Spirit in the corridors of the school. Such was the chaos of the Holy Spirit upsetting our respectable little world. I missed lunch and had to go on to the next church preaching assignment.


Pastor Conrad Fenton and a young man from his church called Moses (originally from Uganda) ran a two days Pastor’s seminar in Mumbai. They also conducted ministry is some of the slum churches and home fellowships over another two days. I am very grateful for their anointed ministry and will forward the report of their experiences in this ministry at a later time. On one of the two days I conducted a seminar for the Kid’s Club leaders.

Pastor Sundar has told me that a member from another church has agreed to provide some funding for the first Kid’s Club which will open at the Red Light District Church. This is one of the principles of ministry that I have been praying for when local people will take ownership of the ministry undertaken.

I conclude with just two more very interesting points.

I prayed for a young woman with a stomach complaint and as I prayed she clasped her stomach as God healed her. The interesting thing was that as I prayed in tongues for about two minutes she and others understood what I was saying as I was speaking in Hindi.

There was one very interesting time of deliverance. I prayed for a Hindu woman and she manifested a demon which when I said come out in Jesus name the woman’s head turned ever so slowly as if saying no. I repeated a number of times to leave her and simply said you must because every tongue must acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord and it left according to my perception.

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