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Thanks to all those who supported me in prayer: My board, Discover Church, Christians in Rwanda and Manipur, the Blue Room and the Lilydale mob, my close friends and most of all my family who released me to go, Zion Church Melbourne and others I have missed.

This was a long mission trip leaving on the 27th April and arriving home on 7th June 2019. Although I have taken teams with me in the past on this occasion I went on my own. My overseas mission partners are really part of my family now and so in that sense I’m not alone.

I was usually occupied at all times during the day. It was the school vacation time and so a number of youth and kid’s club programs were held. On this trip I spent a lot of time in rural areas and the mornings and sometimes the afternoons would be filled up with praying for families in the villages. I give all the glory to God for the amazing things He did, I estimate that I prayed for about 3,500 people over the six weeks of ministry. It isn’t about people falling down, but I’d say conservatively that 3,000 of those prayed for encountered the presence of the Holy Spirit as He fell on them in accordance with Acts 8:16. I refilled my anointing oil bottle four times. I believe that this is a season of this specific sign and wonder with both Christians and non-Christians alike encountering the presence of God. Many people spoke in tongues after being slain in the Holy Spirit but also many didn’t.

I only stayed in a hotel while in transit, at other times accommodation was provided for me, which meant that the money I would have spent on accommodation was able to be given for local ministry.

MUMBAI 29th April 2019 – 6th May 2019

Pastor Sunil took me to another slum area much worse than those that I had visited earlier. Worse in that the people lived in plastic tied down sheets over a wooden skeleton. I preached a salvation message and all the children said the prayer at the end and perhaps even some of the parents.

The people placed a mat on the ground and about 30 mothers and children took part. The men watched with keen interest on the sides. Rocky and Squeaky told the story about the 5 loaves and 3 fishes. It was quite hot and the light was fading but I completely forget about the heat when I’m sharing the word of God. After the story I spoke briefly about the resurrection and that the Living God would do signs and wonders to affirm the truth of it. I told them that I would pray for everyone wanting prayer. It was truly amazing to the glory of God. Once again the Holy Spirit fell upon everyone there from the very young to the very old as God is always faithful to His word in affirming the truth of the resurrection. Two sisters one sitting on the lap of the other were both slain in the Holy Spirit at the same time as I prayed for them. The look of amazement on many of their faces was great to see as the Holy Spirit came upon them.

There was a young girl of about 13 with what looked like a two year old baby.

The people live on the land of their employer and the Pastor told me that they listen to the word of God and have faith, but still worship Krishna too. The owner of the land is Hindu and I could see a Hindu shrine there.

This has taught me that there are a number of classes of slums. I have yet to visit the slums near or on the rubbish dumps which are perhaps the worst. I think I’d divide the slums into four classes. This one would rank 3rd worst out of the four.

There was a man who I suspect was a leader in the community. He watched me very closely watching as I prayed and was quite interested as the Holy Spirit fell upon people.

Jesus Calls Prayer Tower

This was the third time that I preached in this amazing church. That I even arrived there was a miracle in itself. I was supposed to do a children’s program at 5.00 p.m. I thought that it was close to where I was staying but it was actually a long way away. Unfortunately there was some sort of mix up with my ministry partner sending a text to Vilas advising the location of the church. I looked up the address on the internet but we could only locate the suburb. It was 4:50 p.m by the time we left. Vilas had the brain wave to obtain a taxi as he didn’t know the area well. We called Sundar many times before finally getting on to him with better instructions. We set out in peak hour traffic and I thought there was no way we were going to make it either for the preaching at 6.00 p.m or the children’s ministry at 5.00 p.m. It had to be God because we had an almost non-stop run to the church in peak hour traffic, it just doesn’t happen and can take hours to travel anywhere. We finally approached the general area of the church as I vaguely recalled the area, but the church had no name on it as they were completing renovations. I just happened to look and see the Pastor inside the church as the taxi drove past the building. Yet another miracle and we had arrived at 5.35 p.m. I missed the children’s program but gave the lollies and children’s activities for them to use on another occasion.

I have never seen the Holy Spirit descend during praise and worship and this time was a first for me. There is a young university student Yerusha who a year ago I would have doubted would have made a good worship leader. But I visited the home of her family and she started playing for me and the improvement was amazing. She had received some classical training and the quality of her voice and guitar playing had improved dramatically. So I invited her to play at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower before a congregation of over 1,000. She had written her own song and I asked her to play while the collection was being taken up. This time is normally very noisy as people get up and move around for whatever reason, but as she played you could have heard a pin drop. The Holy Spirit came upon us and people all over the auditorium started weeping and I had a few tears in my eyes too as I was so proud of her.

I held people’s attention the whole preaching time and at the end I asked Yerusha to sing Oh the blood of Jesus. Again people started weeping and I started to pray for people and perhaps 600 came forward. I asked Vilas and his wife Sneha to go one way and pray for people and I went the other. One man with a withered hand stretched it out. I set about a dozen seats and pray for people in the seats. That way people don't need to catch them if they are slain in the Holy Spirit. They also don't push as I pray for people. At one time all the seats were filled with people slain in the Holy Spirit and I came to pray for a Hindu man. I anointed him with oil and all that I said was in the name of Jesus and he starts running backwards as I’m holding his hands. It was like I was skiing. Fortunately, they got a chair under him and for the next five minutes, he rocked backwards and forwards holding his stomach as God healed him from I don’t know what. Some goitres were healed, pain removed from many and many other things God did.

It was a real privilege to see some young men from the offices running for me to pray for them as I neared the end of the prayer time. They didn’t want to miss out as they encountered the Holy Spirit.


I had the privilege of praying for people in a hospital. There was an 84 year old Christian man who had suffered a stroke and was paralysed from the waist down. As I prayed for him he started rubbing the top of his spine. He didn’t walk straight away but God had in some way touched him. The other patients seeing that I was praying for people asked me to pray for them including Hindus and a Muslim man. All of them were slain in the Holy Spirit (they were sitting up at the time then God touched them). One man was very excited. I am sure that God will finish the work that he started.

ANDHRA PRADESH 8th May 2019 – 17TH May 2019

Andhra is the home town of my ministry partner pastor Sundar Rao. He was very eager for me to minister there. I visited Kotta Petta, Tamku village, Hunganda and many other places. In Sundar’s home town there were many Christian Churches.

Rather than fly to Andhra Pradesh, I decided to take the train to see a bit of the country. It was in the air-con seating and sleeping births so it wasn’t too bad heat-wise. There was a young minister who accompanied us who did some ministry with us in Mumbai. He did a number of things during his ministry that shouldn’t have been done and this was an opportunity to discuss them with him in a firm fatherly way. Sundar also did the same thing with him and I’m pleased to say that he actually received the correction very well and humbled himself. A lot of the things he had done were a result of frustration. While I tried to talk with him, he had discussions with one of the porters and he called the porter over for me to pray with him. The porter was in pain and I prayed for him and he was slain in the Holy Spirit and healed. He couldn’t do enough for me after he was healed and was visibly moved at our parting.

I was preaching in quite a large church and when I was praying for people at the end of the service I started praying in a different tongue that I’d never prayed in before. There was a very excited older lady who pushed her way forward for prayer and started talking to me in the same language. I had a conversation with her for about five minutes in what to me was an unknown language. She was smiling and laughing as she conversed with the Holy Spirit over I don’t know what. It was an amazing sign and wonder. You could see the amazement on the interpreter’s faces.

It was a broad ministry experience in Andhra. I preached at a wedding and a memorial service on consecutive days; in home fellowship groups; in large and small churches; at youth events and kid’s clubs using my puppets Rocky the racoon and Squeaky the squirrel. I would have used the puppets just about every day. I am looking forward to a rest from the puppets for a while. But my co-ministry workers everywhere insisted that I use them as both adults and children love them.

There is a street called Market Street and Christians, Hindus and Muslims live side by side. As I passed by some Muslims I felt an absolute demonic hatred as they glared at me. However, as I prayed for the Christian families, many Hindus and Muslim’s saw me doing it and invited me in to pray for their families. Once again I imagine the news spreads when people are encountered and healed. When I visited a Hindu or Muslim home I said to them today you are going to encounter the presence of the Living God and asked them if they understood and accepted what was about to happen. I know that many people may not understand what I am about to say and perhaps even doubt the theology of it, but I would simply pray “Father send your promise upon them, Jesus baptise them in your Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit come.” The Holy Spirit fell on just about all of them as they encountered His presence. Perhaps our Father isn’t concerned so much about the theology of it as the love that He wants to demonstrate for His children.

I was very blessed when I stayed in Andhra because I stayed in rooms with air-con. When walking out of the room it was like being hit by a blast furnace. Each day was it about 45 degrees and very hot.

I’m always interested in potential new business ventures and I met a man who makes wigs and hair extensions. He has had polio and has a business degree and my co-partner says his business is always on the way up and hasn’t stopped growing. The only thing that stops his advancement is working capital money. He purchases hair from the Hindu temples and makes his product. He had six Hindu workers in his factory area (not a big area). I asked if he wanted me to pray for them and he said I could. Once again I obtained their permission and all six were encountered the presence of God and were slain in the Holy Spirit.

Each day I would minister in some way for more than four hours a day. It was exhausting but very rewarding. All age groups and people groups encountered the presence of God the Holy Spirit as the promise of the Father was poured out. Perhaps this amazing outpouring is an indication that Jesus is returning sooner than we might expect. The Father knows and that is the main thing.

I visited a hospital and prayed for a baby that hadn’t cried. After leaving the ward there were people outside who asked me to pray for them. One man was slain in the Holy Spirit. Some of the nurses also wanted me to pray for them and they were all slain in the Holy Spirit except for one.

At a home fellowship meeting of about 30 people I had four words of knowledge for people in a row. The interpreter from the home fellowship was quite overcome realising that I didn’t know the recipients and the accuracy of them. She asked me how I knew and all I could say was word of knowledge by the Holy Spirit.

I sponsored a Pastor’s conference which will probably be the last for a while. Not that the Holy Spirit didn’t turn up, but because they are quite expensive. I’m better off going to the Pastor’s churches and giving them a financial blessing. They placed a teenage polio girl on the dirt floor and I bent down and prayed for her and she was instantly slain in the Holy Spirit in my arms. I prayed for her complete healing but her bent legs remained the same unless the Holy Spirit healed her after I left. Ouch it hurts and makes me tearful.

IMPHAL MANIPUR 20th May 2019 – 22nd May 2019

My friend Minthang is like a caged tiger because we haven’t the funds for our car and he must use public transport or friends cars. I really felt for him. The work is truly hindered by this fact at the moment but we are doing our best.

It was a short trip needed primarily for administrative reasons. I preached one Sunday in an AG church on ‘The garden of Gethsemane – The Passion of Christ.’ It was only a small church of about 100 people. I struggled and wept at the point where the Father had to look away from His Son on the cross. The Holy Spirit was poured out on all who came forward for prayer which was most people.

After the church service we had lunch and then went into a village to pray for a Hindu man seeking Christianity for his healing. He was partially paralysed from a fall. There were Hindu objects of worship around the compound and the many wore some Hindu ornaments. Before we went in some Hindus came to visit the man and I offered my hand in friendship to a Hindu woman and she refused to take it. I then went in to pray for the man. After I prayed for him there wasn’t any immediate change and I felt a bit down. The man’s mother who had a BP stroke was also paralysed and I also prayed for her after anointing her with oil in the name of Jesus. I didn’t have much faith at this time given the experience with the son. We then went onto the porch and had a cup of tea, but to my amazement the paralysed woman came out and walked for the first time after her stroke. More testimony to follow I’m sure.

The woman who refused to shake my hand now smiled at me having seen the paralysed mother come out.

Man who heard the preaching and saw the miracle.

BANGLADESH MISSION TRIP REPORT 2019 (23rd May – 6th June 2019)

Many people were healed as I prayed in the villages. There was a woman who had lost all feeling in her left thumb. I anointed her with oil and said that the name of Jesus is as ointment poured forth. I then touched her thumb and she pulled her hand away but her thumb was instantly healed.

There was a young man who had fallen from a coconut tree. I prayed for him after anointing him with oil. I said a simple prayer for his healing. I'd hardly finished when he shook and jerked his arm violently to test his healing. The interpreter asked him if he was healed and with a smile he nodded and continued to jerk his arm as proof.

I taught 18 Bible College students and had an amazing time with them. They were actually some of the best students I have ever taught and asked really good questions. I had excellent interpreters in Bangladesh the whole time. All of the students were slain in the Holy Spirit and some spoke in tongues.

It appears that Bangladesh AG at the present time is extremely neglected when it comes to international support. They have quite good facilities although they are extremely under-utilized. There doesn’t appear to be a strong Bible College and pastors must travel abroad to obtain a strong qualification.

There is a lady in Khulna Bangladesh who runs a home for the children of prostitutes effectively removing them from the dangers of entering into prostitution. There were about 15 girls from the ages of about 7 through to 15. The ministry has been operating over the last 8 years. I prayed for all the girls after doing a children’s program and all without exception including the helpers were slain in the Holy Spirit. Three former students have married good husbands. One has become a Christian and is a teacher.

I had to stay for a few nights in the rural districts. It was very, very, hot with only a fan at night to keep me cool. Andhra was the furnace and Bangladesh was the sauna. Bangladesh actually was harder to bear than Andhra.

It was interesting to have police protection while preaching in churches on Sundays. They had automatic weapons and it is a reminder that not everyone is happy about having the gospel preached. I prayed for a number of those policemen who were willing. It was a great honour. One of them experienced the presence of God.

Last Day of ministry in the city of Khulna

They had a banner up saying revival and healing meeting. So I preached on the cross for revival and the resurrection for healing. The preaching flowed well and held everyone’s attention. I had an expectant heart that God would move. It was a reasonably late meeting and I started preaching at 7.00 p.m and had to catch a bus to Dhaka at 10.00 p.m.

The room was about 30 m by 30 m square. At first there would have been about 50 adults and children there. The church was a Church of Christ and one of my assistants said that they were a cult. No matter to me if they were, I was simply going to preach the gospel. I noted that chairs were placed around the perimeter of the room which I liked because I like to pray for people while they are seated.

On this occasion I prayed for the healing of the person first, then for an encounter with God the Holy Spirit. Most people were healed immediately and I’d finished praying for one side of the room as people were testifying about their healing. Many people came up and testified. I remember praying for a boy of about ten years of age and watched as the Holy Spirit filled him. He seemed to be lifted or more accurately perhaps inflated like a balloon as his whole body straightened like a board. (This same thing happened to my daughter when she was about 13). Then the girl beside her of about the same age was also filled. She had her hands planted on the seat and her legs came up like she was on parallel bars into a 90 degree angle with the trunk of her body. I’ve never seen that happen before. It was an amazing sign and wonder. Only a few of all those prayed for weren’t slain in or encountered the Holy Spirit. I prayed for a boy whose arm had been broken and hadn’t set properly. I moved my finger down his arm and prayed for it. He was immediately healed and started shaking his arm to check out his healing with a very surprised look on his face. Many other people were also healed and I asked them to show me that they had been healed, some from paralysis. Many people have had BP strokes.

One man was healed when I asked people to put their hands on the affected area and after I prayed for the congregation as a whole.

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