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Hi dear, Col, and beloved supporters of our ministry. Greetings from your family and church members here in Imphal Manipur. It is with joy I am writing this email to you again.

Col, yesterday I was again invited to preach in one of the Baptist church outskirt of Imphal. Yesterday at around 1:30 in the afternoon I proceed towards the Baptist Church at Oksu which is around 35 km from Imphal in a very rough road I took David with me. The ministry at the Baptist church in Oksu yesterday was so awesome. Many people attended the service where I was speaking, and as a result of the preaching around 35 people newly accepted the Lord and 13 people got slain in the Spirit and were baptised in the Holy Spirit, thus another small revival broke out again.


On Tuesday the 8th December, I was invited to preach at one of the Independent Baptist Church at Keishampat in Imphal. There again I got the anointing of our Sovereign God and as a result of my preaching, another small revival broke out again, as many as 17 pastors were slain in the spirit and for the first time they spoke in tongues.


Dear Colin, our Loving, Living God is moving actively in our ministry, I cannot but thanking Him with all my heart, my soul and strength. Praising Him as He alone is worthy to be praised. This afternoon we will get few hundreds of English whole Bible Old Testament and New Testament. But at this stage I cannot say the exact numbers of copies that we will be getting, but it will be surely few hundreds. When it comes here then I will let you know the exact numbers of the Bibles. Than this weekend most probably on Saturday the 12th December, many of the Bibles will be again transported to Myanmar via the border. We believe that many of the believers in Myanmar will get the Bibles very soon.

Col, this weekend the coming Saturday the 12th December, we will be also having our staffs, workers prayer meeting at our Diplomat Centre. All of our workers will be here from all corners of Manipur, therefore on that day we will discuss the transportation of the Bibles to Myanmar via the borders. We will also have selection of the team who will be transporting the Bibles to Myanmar. We will then inform you again when everything is done. I am sure among the selected team members, I will be the number one to go there using the border Bolero Jeep to transport the bibles.

Col, Please keep praying for our partnership ongoing progressive visions and ministry here at the utter most part and the most interior place of the world. But it is very good strategic place to reach different nations with the gospel of our Lord. Though it is very much primitive undeveloped in terms of our current world fast growing civilization comparing with other countries, to different parts of the world and even in our country India.  Being our location very remote undeveloped, however we are very much blessed when we look through the eyes and minds of ministry, as we can easily accessible to other neighboring countries, like, Myanmar, Bhutan Nepal and even to Bangladesh from Mizoram. So let us take this privilege as a great chance to reach the nations with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and let us never lose this golden chance.


May the good Lord continue to bless you always is our earnest prayer. We are looking forward to see you again in His perfect timing. Kindly give our best regards to Jenny Lambert and to all your lovely church members and wonderful supporters of our ministry.





Hi Col.


I forgot to tell you when we talked this morning on the phone that we had a meeting today at our Diplomat Centre with our workers again to discuss the ongoing progressive ministry of VCC and how to be more alert and active in our ministry. Tomorrow Saturday the 19th December we will be going to Thoubal district for preaching ministry. I believe more revival will continue.


As I said we have taken the Bibles to the Myanmar border with our team. It was really an exciting adventure as we explored the most primitive places and took with us the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Physically it was the hardest place to visit, but God gave us a spiritual harvest, which make us so happy and excited. As we clearly know that our life and the purpose of our existence here on earth is not for ourselves but only to glorify God and it is for the extension of God’s Kingdom here on earth. Therefore, whether we encounter a hard life or persecution if it is for the extension of God’s kingdom, we enjoy it whatever happens.


The team went inside to Myanmar and handed over the Bibles to the former Buddhist monk converts. However, some of us waited for the team to return from the border. Meanwhile, I was invited to preach in one of the most conservative Evangelical churches. The pastor and some of his members came to the village where I was as he heard the news that we were there transporting Bibles to Myanmar loaded fully in our Bolero Jeep, and some had some of his members heard about the revival that broke out earlier. Now this pastor from a conservative Evangelical church invited me to preach in his church, I told him but I am an Interdenominational Spirit filled preacher, he said I want that. But he told me “pastor, you have to walk at least 7 kilometer to reach our village as there is no road for the car only a small jungle track.” I said if it is for the Gospel I will walk as many as kilometers only if it is for the Kingdom of God. He was very happy so we started our journey and joyfully walked around 7 hours finally reaching the village. To my surprise in that very remote area the village is sizable with around 150 houses. But the church building is very small compared with the size and amount of the people that lived there. The church building can only accommodate some 90 to 100 people. On the first night we had only 100 to 150 people come to the church. They extended the front portion of the church. They removed all the wooden planks from the front portion of the church building to accommodate the 150 people.


On the very first night after my preaching, I made an alter call, and to my surprise about 79 people came and received Jesus Christ as their Lord. Then I also asked if anyone wanted to be prayed for their sicknesses and to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, many people stood up. Then I told them that I will come to them and pray for them and that they should remain in their places as there are too many to come up to the stage. I asked the worship team to sing songs and I started praying. As I prayed for the elder of the church, he immediately was touched by God and was slain in Spirit and spoke in tongues for the first time in his life. Then when I lay hands on the people to whomever I lay my hands they too were slain in the Spirit and in a few minutes time every one was shouting to the Lord at the top of their voices and were all slain in the Spirit.


During the second service on the second day we had about 600 to 750 people attend the church. On that second day, even before I lay my hand on the pastor and even before I pray for him, he the pastor of the church was slain in the Spirit and spoke in tongues for the first time in his life on the very second day of the preaching and many people followed the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Then on that very second day many hundreds of people were slain in the Holy Spirit, I prayed for so many numbers of people, but I know I could not pray for all the people so I taught them and told them to pray for one another. As I told them the members prayed for other sick people and also for people to Baptized in the Holy Spirit. Their prayers worked very well. As a result of them praying for one another about 30 people got healed from their sicknesses and many hundreds of people were slain in the Holy Spirit.


After few days we came back, but while waiting for the team to come back from Myanmar border, I had the chance to preach in a number of churches in that area. Col, I am very confident that our ministry in Myanmar and in the Myanmar border will surely bear fruit and definitely we will be harvesting many souls.


Col, the Bibles were given to the two Buddhist Monk converts in Myanmar and they will make sure that all the Bibles given to them will reach the home of every new believer in Myanmar.

Thanks to all those beloved friends who generously donated funds to buy bibles for the spiritually hungry people in Myanmar.

Col, it is now 8:30 at night and it is very cool I am freezing in my office. I just arrived home from an outreach ministry at Khurai area with pastor Manigun and David. We went for an outreach, after our workers had a meeting at our head office today. As I told you I will be going to Thoubal area tomorrow for more preaching, let us expect more miracles from our Loving Father and with an expectant heart see a wonderful revival come up again. I will tell you more on Monday.


Looking forward to hearing from you very soon and to see you again in His perfect timing.

Shalom Your missionary brother. Minthang Suantak.



Hi Col,

First of all deep down from my heart I want to thank you for standing with me in our ministry in hard times and in good times. You are such a great and loving big brother especially for me. Though we were born in different countries with different coloured skin and language, our loving living Father had already joined us together as one brother united for His Kingdom ministry and plan even before we were born.


Col, I am writing this email to you with tears of joy running down from my eyes. I can’t stop my tears as I am so emotional when I think about our ministry and the way how our Loving God has provided all we need. I will never ever forget your initiative and hard labour in our ministry. It will remain in my heart even till the very last moment when I breathed my last. You are such a wonderful brother and the back bone of our progressive ministry. Be assured of our love and daily prayers for you into the throne room of God. We earnestly pray that your future plans and endeavors will be also come into being and that God will give us success. You always have our love, hearts and prayers. Never forget that we are all for you in all things that you plan to do.


Thirdly, I wanted to thank God again and again as He alone is worthy to be praised. We thank Him for enabling us to once again celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Not only celebrating Christmas but He also gave us chances to preach and spread the good news of the gospel to different people during this Christmas festive season. Most importantly He gave us the opportunity to preach the Christmas message even to the Indian Army Battalion. Hundreds of soldiers and their families came to listen to the word of God. I got another invitation from the same Army camp to preach again on the 31st December at night. Please pray for the best result.

Col, yes you are right when you said never forgot the words you told me years ago- that you came to see me restored back again and to be an ice-breaker for the coming of the Holy Spirit baptism across India. Now by God’s grace and by His leading power, together in our partnership ministry we see the fulfillment of what you said those years ago. We can’t even count the numbers of those people baptized in the Holy Spirit, even amongst the very strong denominational churches. Now not only in Manipur and in India but it is spreading across Myanmar. Beside people baptized in the Holy Spirit, countless numbers of people have been born again and healed. Many people received spiritual renewal and most importantly the recent revival has broken out in many parts of Myanmar. Many people were slain in the Holy Spirit and countless numbers of people see and experience the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit following the miracles of God in their lives. Col, I stand amazed to see and experience all these great blessings of God upon the ministry.

My tears of joy are still flowing down as I look back to those past years of my great setback in the ministry, absolute depression, shame and sadness that I have gone through for years. But now because of your love and kind initiative and strong support in my life and ministry, all those awful and sad memories have now slowly disappeared. I must thank God and you for all the times for your love and concern about the depression I experienced in my life.


Col, honestly I must say from my heart that had it not been for God and you, from my human perspective I might not be alive today and that the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit and the revival that is happening may not have happened. So I must always thank God and you my brother for restoring me a sinful man who is not even worthy to be a servant of God. But by His grace “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” I will write to you again my brother, as I am now going again to preach in one fellowship. During this Christmas festive season and the coming New Year, my schedule is packed full. There are times when I preach three times in a day. Let us praise God for all His marvelous blessings and His great provisions in our ministry and let us continue to pray that more blessing awaits us in the future.


Please thank all those great men and great women of God in Australia on my behalf and on behalf of VCC and Capture and Release Ministries Inc., who generously and continuously support our ministry financially. Without their generous financial support we will never get this important job done. It is because of their generous financial support we can do so much for the extension of God’s kingdom and that many countless souls were added into God’s kingdom for the past years. Together with them we will continue to have a great harvesting of the lost souls for His Kingdom in the future.

You can also make some alteration to this email if needed and send this email to all of them if you want. Looking forward to hearing from you very soon and to see you again in His perfect timing.

Thank Jenny for her kind heart to release you from your accountancy work for a greater ministry of our loving God.


Your missionary brother,

Minthang Suantak.















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