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minthang suantak


Friday, 21 June 2013 12:31:19 PM

To: (



Dear Colin,


Greetings from your family and church members here in Imphal, manipur.

It is so great to hear your voice on the phone. Thank you so much for the funds you had transferred via western union. We are sure to pay back all what we owed them during our ministry from April till the 13th,June.

I have rang them up, and they were so happy that we can repay them back soon. Once again thank you so much for the funds.



Colin, during one day seminar at my father village, I met many of our workers and leaders and the members of our churches. One pastor by the name mangthang at Phowaibi village told me that three women and two men got healed from their sickness through your (Colin) prayer.


Another church leader at H.K.Phai village told us that 2 women and 5 men got healed through your (Colin) prayers and two young men got saved through the preaching and prayer of Colin at H.KPhai village.


Today at 2 P.M. in the afternoon five men came to our VCC Diplomat center(office) from laitong, Leikinthabi hindu village, where two comedian and a man spoke for long hours, from that village 5 men came to us and told us a great and wonderful story. I think Colin, you remember well this village, this was where I broke out with anger, because of the mis- communication between us and David and those comedian and the man who had a long speech. However God our loving and living Father did things beyond measure and beyond our expectation. His will is always perfect and Just. You know Colin, with just your very short and limited message it changed the heart of 25 people and fully transformed them from darkness into the light of the gospel. These five men who joyfully came to our office were among those 25 people who newly converted through your short message, as you lead them to a salvation prayer they took a bold step to follow Christ. What a wonderful God we have,, I was fully broke out in tears when they shared this living testimonies Colin. God willing tomorrow I will be going there to meet them personally. Since from that day, they conducted a home fellowship in one of the new converted man. According to the five men who came to us this evening they with great hope and expectation told me that, their may be some other people who converted on that same day through Colin’s preaching,, but our village is big enough it is hard to get everyone, therefore we expect to have another testimony gradually. Once all the people came to know that we have now started home fellowship we expect to have more people. Since we are a baby Christian we need teaching, encouraging and even we don’t know yet how to preach, therefore please do come frequently and help us to grow spiritually said the five men. I promised them that I will surely come to you and also very soon try to appoint one pastor to look after you all, until you are all mature spiritually.


Colin, God has done a marvelous things for us through your wonderful, sacrificial ministry. At Malom nalini, the pastor rang me up and told me that,, 4 people got healed, through your(Colin) prayers, and now our church is not spiritually dried, it is now converted into a spirit filled church. Everyone of us now have a Baptism in the Holy Spirit as it was taught to us by Colin, with this new spirit filled experience we enjoyed it so much and now we become a living church, and from us we will branch out another spirit filled church in the very near future. With this new experience some of our members start practicing of laying hands on the sick and praying for them. We feel very strong and comfort with this spirit filled experience which Colin taught us said the pastor.

But this is not the end it is just the beginning of getting testimonies from your two full months long ministry in Manipur. Wait there are more to come each day.


Colin, as I said I will be going tomorrow to Laitong Leikinthabi, where those two comedian and the man spoke it for long time. Since all those 25 people who converted through your preaching wanted me to come and visit their place and I know it will be a sign of encouragement for them as well. I will be taking pastor David with me to see the progress of the ministry.


My preaching during the one day seminar was really good, as I told you I will preached on the Empowerment of the Holy Spirit, I did that and it was a great encouragement for all the leaders.


Your missionary brother,


Minthang Suantak.

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